
Recipe Spotlights #1

Feb 24, 2021 — Welcome to my new recipe series, where I’m highlighting BIPOC creatives in the food industry! This first release of the BIPOC Recipe Series spotlights Black recipe creators. I chose mostly independent creatives, because independent creatives have complete control over their narratives, meaning they are Black stories told by Black people. So without further ado, here are five Black...

Grandma's Baozi

Jan 6, 2021 — Watch Antonia’s ~cinematography~ of our grandma making baozi! Please like, comment, and subscribe to the bub YouTube channel, where she posts vlogs from her apartment provided by her internship, and I even make a cameo once in a while for our “bake w/ bubs” series! The recipe is transcribed by Antonia, as my grandma speaks in Cantonese throughout....

The Croissant Chronicles

Dec 23, 2020 — I made croissants from scratch for the first time! Ever since my sister, Antonia, a croissant connoisseur (just kidding, she’s only made croissants twice before), told me she made croissants from scratch, I’ve been itching to try making them too. It’s month eight of being totally at home, so we finally decided to tackle this challenge! Many hours...

Cheese (Bread) Please!

Sep 23, 2020 — Apologies for all the cringey cheese puns on the way… Inspired by the Brazilian cheese bread, pão de queijo, this naturally gluten-free tapioca cheese bread is not what you might first think of when you hear “bread”, but its airiness, chewiness, and exterior crunchiness will be sure to win over even the most passionate bread purists. I want...